DC404 Hybrid Meeting – July 16th

Monday, July 11th, 2022 by narknet

Saturday July 16th is your DC404 hybrid meeting


A number of dc404 members met in person at Manual’s Tavern for the March 19, 2022 dc404 meeting.

To accommodate members who wish to meet both in person and virtually, we will host hybrid meetings starting with the Saturday May 21, 2022 dc404 meeting.

If you attend in person please respect other members in their choice of masking or not.

The meeting speaker will be streamed to both the in person and online meetings.

We are experimenting with how to run a hybrid meeting so like all hacking we expect issues but like hacking, we will improvise, adapt, and overcome.

NOTICE: The in person meeting will be back in our regular space, the Manuel’s Tavern First Level Room.

The in person meeting space will open at 13:00 on Saturday so that people will have time to connect and work out any technical issues.

The meeting will start at 14:00.

To attend online use the DC404 Big Blue Button meeting space is graciously hosted by DC404 member npcomp.

Big Blue Button is a WebRTC based open source video teleconferencing platform supported by all major browsers, including Chrome, FireFox, Safari, and Safari Mobile. For best results on desktop and laptops, Chrome or Firefox is recommended. For Chromebooks the built-in Chrome browser is recommended.

The hybrid meeting space will open at 13:00 on Saturday so that people will have time to connect and work out any technical issues.

The meeting will start at 14:00.

No registration or email address is required, just enter your preferred handle. To join the meeting from your browser use this link:



Jeremy will present optimizing passwords:

If you’re reading this, I bet you use a password manager – and your autogenerated passwords are incomprehensible. How long do you make them – 30 characters? 40 characters? Keyboard specials are a given – do you throw in those extended ASCII characters you used to draw things on BBSs forever ago? Congratulations, you played yourself.

This talk will help you understand why making it difficult to get your new phone on your network isn’t actually that useful, and give you the optimal password length as a bonus.

Many moons ago, after viewing the groundbreaking documentary “Hackers” through a pirate cable box, Jeremy knew he had to dive into the world of information security. Despite the initial devastation upon discovering the actual amount of inline skating involved in hacking, he continued down his path of understanding all of the reasons why computers were a mistake.

Today, after competing in a number of CTFs as part of his college’s infosec club and a large amount of outside research, he is your typical maybe-a-bit-too-paranoid computer yeller with lots of ideas on software to benefit the community and the world at large – now if he could only start building some of them…


We will be running the NetKotH CTF.

If you would like to play along in the CTF follow these instructions (http://koth.userserviceable.com/netkoth.html) and hack away with your favorite tools such as Kali Linux, Parrot Linux, or ArchStrike Linux.





More information about NetKotH can be found here:


How To Get Started Hacking


Atlanta Locksport will be meeting conjointly with DC404 and is the official sponsor of our lock pick village.

To find out more about Atlanta LockSport visit their web site at https://atlantalocksport.org/

You can sign up for the Atlanta LockSport email list and discord channel at https://atlantalocksport.org/contact.html


The in person meetings are at Manuel’s Tavern. Free parking is behind Manuel’s and across North Highland next to the laundromat.

We meet in the First Level Room:

From the front entrance on North Highland, immediately turn right, go past the bathrooms to the First Level room.

From the back parking lot entrance, go all the way to the front doors, turn left, go past the bathrooms to the First Level room.


Manuel’s Tavern
602 North Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30307



All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Our Home page: https://dc404.org


DC404 Atlanta Cybersecurity Engineers Discord Server Channel

GENERAL -> dc404

Discord Invite Code: https://discord.gg/eHm7NnZ


Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other DC404 folks:



IRC Channel: #dc404 irc.libera.chat

Web IRC: https://web.libera.chat/#dc404


Our calendar: https://dc404.org/calendar/

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