Author Archive: narknet

NetKotH @ ATL2600 Meeting Friday April 7, 2017

Friday, April 7th, 2017 by narknet

NetKotH will be featured at the Friday April 7, 2017 atl2600 meeting at the Lenox Mall Food Court at 7pm.

Named after the zine, 2600 meetings are a monthly gathering in a public location where we chat about recent events in security and privacy. Topics discussed vary wildly. There’s no cost, and no structure. There’s a few regulars and a few people finding us for the first time every month.

Our meetings are held on the Market level (lowest level) of the food court in Lenox Mall, near the outside doors. When you enter in the outside doors on Market Level, look for the table in the middle or close to the glass with of laptops and cables. There is parking very close to the food court, directly opposite the mall from Peachtree.

Lenox Square Mall
3393 Peachtree Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30326

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s extremely low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other 2600 folks:

Chat with us on IRC!

Follow us on twitter!

Saturday March 18th at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm

Wednesday, March 15th, 2017 by narknet

Saturday March 18th is your DC404 meeting at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm

Come prepared to share what you are working on. Your project doesn’t have to be complete and slides are not required (like show-n-tell).

We will have a projector if you need it.

We will also be hosting NetKotH (Network King of the Hill).

Bring a laptop and your favorite tools (like Kali Linux or ArchStrike)

Our meetings are in the Eagle’s Nest at Manuel’s Tavern. Free parking is behind Manuel’s and on the South side across the alley.

From the front entrance on North Highland immediately turn left, go through the dinning room to the Eagle’s Nest in the back.

From the back parking lot entrance make the first right and the Eagle’s Nest will be on your right.

Manuel’s Tavern
602 North Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30307

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Our Home page:

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other DC404 folks:

IRC Channel: #dc404

Web IRC:

Our calendar:

NetKotH @ ATL2600 Meeting Friday March 3, 2017

Tuesday, February 28th, 2017 by narknet

NetKotH @ ATL2600 Meeting Friday March 3, 2017

NetKotH will be featured at the Friday March 3, 2017 atl2600 meeting at the Lenox Mall Food Court at 7pm.

Named after the zine, 2600 meetings are a monthly gathering in a public location where we chat about recent events in security and privacy. Topics discussed vary wildly. There’s no cost, and no structure. There’s a few regulars and a few people finding us for the first time every month.

Our meetings are held on the Market level (lowest level) of the food court in Lenox Mall, near the outside doors. When you enter in the outside doors on Market Level, look for the table in the middle or close to the glass with of laptops and cables. There is parking very close to the food court, directly opposite the mall from Peachtree.

Lenox Square Mall
3393 Peachtree Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30326

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s extremely low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other 2600 folks:

Chat with us on IRC!

Follow us on twitter!

Saturday February 18th at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm

Tuesday, February 14th, 2017 by narknet

Saturday February 18th is your DC404 meeting at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm

pwny_express will be exploring mobile game security and how it works. Recently pwny_express found a security vulnerability in a major company’s well known game that allowed him to bypass security and access game content behind a pay wall. The company did a lot right, but one flaw is all it took to get past the security features. Most games out there aren’t nearly as secure. pwny_express will explore how to look fook for vulnerabilities in your own mobile games.

Come prepared to share what you are working on. Your project doesn’t have to be complete and slides are not required (like show-n-tell).

We will have a projector if you need it.

We will also be hosting NetKotH (Network King of the Hill).

Bring a laptop and your favorite tools (like Kali Linux or ArchStrike)

Our meetings are in the Eagle’s Nest at Manuel’s Tavern. Free parking is behind Manuel’s and on the South side across the alley.

From the front entrance on North Highland immediately turn left, go through the dinning room to the Eagle’s Nest in the back.

From the back parking lot entrance make the first right and the Eagle’s Nest will be on your right.

Manuel’s Tavern
602 North Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30307

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Our Home page:

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other DC404 folks:

IRC Channel: #dc404

Web IRC:

Our calendar:

NetKotH @ ATL2600 Meeting Friday February 3, 2017

Thursday, February 2nd, 2017 by narknet

NetKotH will be featured at the Friday February 3, 2017 atl2600 meeting at the Lenox Mall Food Court at 7pm.

Named after the zine, 2600 meetings are a monthly gathering in a public location where we chat about recent events in security and privacy. Topics discussed vary wildly. There’s no cost, and no structure. There’s a few regulars and a few people finding us for the first time every month.

Our meetings are held on the Market level (lowest level) of the food court in Lenox Mall, near the outside doors. When you enter in the outside doors on Market Level, look for the table in the middle or close to the glass with of laptops and cables. There is parking very close to the food court, directly opposite the mall from Peachtree.

Lenox Square Mall
3393 Peachtree Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30326

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s extremely low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other 2600 folks:

Chat with us on IRC!

Follow us on twitter!

Saturday January 21st at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm

Wednesday, January 18th, 2017 by narknet

Saturday January 21st is your DC404 meeting at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm

Did you get something fun for Christmas? Bring it and lets us see it.

Come prepared to share what you are working on. Your project doesn’t have to be complete and slides are not required (like show-n-tell).

We will have a projector if you need it.

We will also be hosting NetKotH (Network King of the Hill).

Bring a laptop and your favorite tools (like Kali Linux or ArchStrike)

Our meetings are in the Eagle’s Nest at Manuel’s Tavern. Free parking is behind Manuel’s and on the South side across the alley.

From the front entrance on North Highland immediately turn left, go through the dinning room to the Eagle’s Nest in the back.

From the back parking lot entrance make the first right and the Eagle’s Nest will be on your right.

Manuel’s Tavern
602 North Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30307

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Our Home page:

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other DC404 folks:

IRC Channel: #dc404

Web IRC:

Our calendar:

Canceled – NetKotH @ ATL2600 Meeting Friday January 6, 2017

Thursday, January 5th, 2017 by narknet

Due to the weather the ATL2600 meeting (1/6/2017) has been canceled.

NetKotH will be featured at the Friday January 6, 2017 atl2600 meeting at the Lenox Mall Food Court at 7pm.

Named after the zine, 2600 meetings are a monthly gathering in a public location where we chat about recent events in security and privacy. Topics discussed vary wildly. There’s no cost, and no structure. There’s a few regulars and a few people finding us for the first time every month.

Our meetings are held on the Market level (lowest level) of the food court in Lenox Mall, near the outside doors. When you enter in the outside doors on Market Level, look for the table in the middle or close to the glass with of laptops and cables. There is parking very close to the food court, directly opposite the mall from Peachtree.

Lenox Square Mall
3393 Peachtree Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30326

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s extremely low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other 2600 folks:

Chat with us on IRC!

Follow us on twitter!

Saturday December 17th at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm

Tuesday, December 13th, 2016 by narknet

Saturday December 17th is your DC404 meeting at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm

The December DC404 meeting is reserved for the annual DC404 Geek Gift Guide.

Bring your list of must have items. If you already have the item(s) bring them so we can ooh and aw.

This is more like “show and tell” so a formal presentation is not required but if you bring one we have a projector.

Our meetings are in the Eagle’s Nest at Manuel’s Tavern. Free parking is behind Manuel’s and on the South side across the alley.

From the front entrance on North Highland immediately turn left, go through the dinning room to the Eagle’s Nest in the back.

From the back parking lot entrance make the first right and the Eagle’s Nest will be on your right.

Manuel’s Tavern
602 North Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30307

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Our Home page:

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other DC404 folks:

IRC Channel: #dc404

Our calendar:

NetKotH @ ATL2600 Meeting Friday December 2, 2016

Wednesday, November 30th, 2016 by narknet

NetKotH will be featured at the Friday December 2, 2016 atl2600 meeting at the Lenox Mall Food Court at 7pm.

Named after the zine, 2600 meetings are a monthly gathering in a public location where we chat about recent events in security and privacy. Topics discussed vary wildly. There’s no cost, and no structure. There’s a few regulars and a few people finding us for the first time every month.

Our meetings are held on the Market level (lowest level) of the food court in Lenox Mall, near the outside doors. When you enter in the outside doors on Market Level, look for the table in the middle or close to the glass with of laptops and cables. There is parking very close to the food court, directly opposite the mall from Peachtree.

Lenox Square Mall
3393 Peachtree Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30326

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s extremely low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other 2600 folks:

Chat with us on IRC!

Follow us on twitter!

Saturday November 19th at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm

Monday, November 14th, 2016 by narknet

Saturday November 19th is your DC404 meeting at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm

Arch3y will be presenting ArchStrike:

ArchStrike is a penetration testing and security layer on top of Arch Linux. Our goal is to have a comprehensive list of bleeding edge security tools. We maintain a KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid, philosophy, while optimizing the tools for i686, x86_64, ARMv6, ARMv7, and ARMv8. We constantly update our tool set to make sure it’s up to date with the fast-paced infosec environment.

Arch3y has been around since September 2013. He has built and maintained packages on Blackarch, ArchAssault and now ArchStrike.

Brimstone will also be setting up a NetKotH (Network King of the Hill) CTF.

There will be a wireless network for accessing NetKotH.

My NetKotH web page isn’t ready yet so here is a quick explanation:

Irongeek created NetKotH

AIDE 2013 – Network King Of The Hill (NetKotH) A hacker wargame for organizers

The idea is to have a CTF that takes little in the way of hardware and uses off the shelf pentest builds so there isn’t any engineering required to build the challenges. It also comes with a simplistic scoring engine. This means just about anyone can set one up. You can even build one for home use or for a computer class in your local high school.

Usually CTFs (like DEFCON) are for the very experienced and/or professional pentesters. NetKotH’s challenges are entry level and well documented online so it is perfect for the people with no CTF experience.

Those of us who have pentesting/CTF experience can help mentor those who want to give it a try.

If you would like to participate you will need a laptop with wireless access. I’ll see about bringing some cables and an extra switch if you don’t have wireless. I also recommend you have a pentesting build with all the latest tools. Kali Linux will boot and run live from a DVD or USB drive. You might also consider ArchStrike, although I don’t know if ArchStrike will run as a live DVD or USB drive. Windows will also work if you have pentesting tools installed.

Our meetings are in the Eagle’s Nest at Manuel’s Tavern. Free parking is behind Manuel’s and on the South side across the alley.

From the front entrance on North Highland go in and immediately turn left, go through the dining room to the Eagle’s Nest in the back.

From the back parking lot entrance make the first right and the Eagle’s Nest will be on your right.

Manuel’s Tavern
602 North Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30307

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Our Home page:

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other DC404 folks:

IRC Channel: #dc404

Our calendar: