DC404 Virtual Meeting – March 21st

Friday, March 20th, 2020 by narknet

Saturday March 21st is your DC404 virtual meeting


We are hackers. We improvise, adapt, and overcome. So In light of COVID-19 (coronavirus), DC404 will be holding virtual instead of physical meetings.

We (the admins) put out a call for teleconferencing applications and after looking at all the requirements, and testing applications, we decided to use Jitsi.

This is not to say that using Jitsi is set in stone. Like all things during the COVID-19, crisis we have to be flexible

Jitsi struck a balance between costs, performance, supported operating systems, privacy, and security concerns of our members.

Jitsi allows members to start up breakout sessions on their own by simply browsing to https://meet.jit.si/, entering a meeting space name, and pressing enter. No registration is required and Jitsi does not ask for your email address.

Jitsi is open source. You can get additional information here:




The DC404 Jitsi meeting space will open at 13:00 on Saturday 3/21/2020 so that people will have time to connect and work out any technical issues.

The presentation will start at 14:00.

Jitsi works best with Chrome or Chromium. In testing, Firefox and Safari proved to be incompatible.

To join the meeting from your browser use this link:


To avoid data charges on your phone you can use this link for the session phone numbers and pin:



Zoey Selman (aka V3rbaal) will be presenting:

The Misconceptions Of Open Source Intelligence

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is a massive #buzzword within the hacker community, and I know we would all like to think we know what OSINT is… I’ll be talking about the differences between Open Source Information and Open Source Intelligence; including what I like to call Layer 1, Layer 2 and Layer 3 OSINT. Additionally we’ll touch on data organization and how to do OSINT internationally (outside of the US) using real life practices.


Zoey Selman (aka V3rbaal) is a Senior Intelligence Analyst at Dark Horse Intelligence, whose role is to aid in the discovery of Open Source Intelligence. She is also a Director of Trace Labs and Blue Team Village at DEFCON. Zoey is passionate and experienced in Open Source Intelligence and Human Intelligence, working on active investigations and aiding law enforcement. She is currently a professional polygrapher and is working towards becoming a licensed detective. Zoey obtained her degree in Cybersecurity whilst in Australia, prior to her relocation to the United States. You can find her Twitter and other contact methods via v3rbaal.github.io


We will have time after the presentation for people to to share what they are working on. Your project doesn’t have to be complete and slides are not required (like show-n-tell).

Jitsi allows for screen sharing if needed.


Sorry, we will be unable to host the NetKotH CTF or the lock pick village hosted by Atlanta LockSport

As things settle down we will consider hosting a virtual NetKotH CTF and lock pickers can run lock picking breakout sessions.


To find out more about Atlanta LockSport visit their web site at https://atlantalocksport.org/

You can sign up for the Atlanta LockSport email list and discord channel at https://atlantalocksport.org/contact.html


All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Our Home page: https://dc404.org


DC404 Atlanta Cybersecurity Engineers Discord Server Channel

GENERAL -> dc404

Discord Invite Code: https://discord.gg/eHm7NnZ


Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other DC404 folks:



IRC Channel: #dc404 chat.freenode.net

Web IRC: https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=%23dc404


Our calendar:


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