Author Archive: narknet

NetKotH CTF @ BSides Atlanta Friday May 4, 2019

Saturday, May 4th, 2019 by narknet

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NetKotH CTF @ ATL2600 Meeting Friday May 3, 2019

Thursday, May 2nd, 2019 by narknet

Friday May 3, 2019 is your atl2600 meeting at the Lenox Mall Food Court at 7pm.


Named after the zine, 2600 meetings are a monthly gathering in a public location where we chat about recent events in security and privacy. Topics discussed vary wildly. There’s no cost, and no structure. There’s a few regulars and a few people finding us for the first time every month.


We’ve been running a Capture-The-Flag event the past few months and will continue to run it again this month. This event is targeted at both beginners and experienced pentesters. If you’d like to play along, you’ll want to bring a system. More information can be found here: NetKotH


Our meetings are held on the Market level (lowest level) of the food court in Lenox Mall, near the outside doors. When you enter in the outside doors on Market Level, look for the table in the middle or close the glass with laptops and cables. There is parking very close to the food court, directly opposite the mall from Peachtree.

Lenox Square Mall
3393 Peachtree Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30326


All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.


Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s extremely low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other 2600 folks:


Chat with us on IRC!


Atlanta Cybersecurity Engineers Discord Server Channel

GENERAL -> atl2600

Discord Invite Code:


Follow us on twitter!

DC404 Meeting – Saturday April 20th

Wednesday, April 17th, 2019 by narknet
DC404 Meeting – Saturday April 20th

Saturday April 20h is your DC404 meeting at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm


Aldo (AKA John King) will be presenting “TLP and Sharing Communities: An Informal Discussion on Information Sharing”

Encouraging communication and sharing of threat intelligence without running afoul of the Traffic Light Protocol (TLP).

Aldo is a USMC Vet who now works remotely as a Cyber Threat Intelligence Analyst for a large healthcare company.


Come prepared to share what you are working on. Your project doesn’t have to be complete and slides are not required (like show-n-tell).

We will have a projector if you need it.


We will be running two CTFs.

A NetKotH CTF for beginners and a NetKotH CTF for more experienced players.

People will be available to answer questions and help you get started.

If you would like to play along in the CTFs, you should bring a laptop with your favorite tools installed or in a virtual machine (such as Kali Linux or ArchStrike).


More information about NetKotH can be found here:

How To Get Started Hacking


We will also be hosting a mini lock pick village.


Our meetings are at Manuel’s Tavern. Free parking is behind Manuel’s and on the South side across the alley.

We meet in the First Level Room:

From the front entrance on North Highland, immediately turn right, go past the bathrooms to the First Level room.

From the back parking lot entrance, go all the way to the front doors, turn left, go past the bathrooms to the First Level room.


Manuel’s Tavern
602 North Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30307


All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Our Home page:

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other DC404 folks:

IRC Channel: #dc404

Web IRC:

Atlanta Cybersecurity Engineers Discord Server Channel

GENERAL -> dc404

Discord Invite Code:

Our calendar:

NetKotH CTF @ ATL2600 Meeting Friday April 5, 2019

Friday, April 5th, 2019 by narknet

Friday April 5, 2019 is your atl2600 meeting at the Lenox Mall Food Court at 7pm.

Named after the zine, 2600 meetings are a monthly gathering in a public location where we chat about recent events in security and privacy. Topics discussed vary wildly. There’s no cost, and no structure. There’s a few regulars and a few people finding us for the first time every month.

We’ve been running a Capture-The-Flag event the past few months and will continue to run it again this month. This event is targeted at both beginners and experienced pentesters. If you’d like to play along, you’ll want to bring a system. More information can be found here: NetKotH

Our meetings are held on the Market level (lowest level) of the food court in Lenox Mall, near the outside doors. When you enter in the outside doors on Market Level, look for the table in the middle or close the glass with laptops and cables. There is parking very close to the food court, directly opposite the mall from Peachtree.

Lenox Square Mall
3393 Peachtree Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30326

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s extremely low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other 2600 folks:

Chat with us on IRC!

Atlanta Cybersecurity Engineers Discord Server Channel

GENERAL -> atl2600

Discord Invite Code:

Follow us on twitter!

DC404 Meeting – Saturday March 16th

Wednesday, March 13th, 2019 by narknet

DC404 Meeting – Saturday March 16th

Saturday March 16th is your DC404 meeting at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm

Alex Kot will be presenting “Securing you enterprise on a shoestring budget”

This talk will go over various free or open source tools to help secure your enterprise. The talk will heavily focus on Windows environments. These tools will be a “free” alternative to EDR and NSM solutions. He will also present on easy wins for system hardening.

Alex Kot is the Director of Security Engineering at Aveanna. He presented and trained at various conferences such as BSides, Circle City Con, NotACon, and others. Alex is passionate about security and teaches at his local hackerspace on various security tools including ones mentioned in this talk.

Come prepared to share what you are working on. Your project doesn’t have to be complete and slides are not required (like show-n-tell).

We will have a projector if you need it.

We will be running two CTFs.

A NetKotH CTF for beginners and a NetKotH CTF for more experienced players.

People will be available to answer questions and help you get started.

If you would like to play along in the CTFs, you should bring a laptop with your favorite tools installed or in a virtual machine (such as Kali Linux or ArchStrike).

More information about NetKotH can be found here:

How To Get Started Hacking

We will also be hosting a mini lock pick village.

Our meetings are at Manuel’s Tavern. Free parking is behind Manuel’s and on the South side across the alley.

We meet in the First Level Room:

From the front entrance on North Highland, immediately turn right, go past the bathrooms to the First Level room.

From the back parking lot entrance, go all the way to the front doors, turn left, go past the bathrooms to the First Level room.

Manuel’s Tavern
602 North Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30307

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Our Home page:

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other DC404 folks:

IRC Channel: #dc404

Web IRC:

Atlanta Cybersecurity Engineers Discord Server Channel

GENERAL -> dc404

Discord Invite Code:

Our calendar:

NetKotH CTF @ ATL2600 Meeting Friday March 1, 2019

Monday, February 25th, 2019 by narknet

Friday March 1, 2019 is your atl2600 meeting at the Lenox Mall Food Court at 7pm.

Named after the zine, 2600 meetings are a monthly gathering in a public location where we chat about recent events in security and privacy. Topics discussed vary wildly. There’s no cost, and no structure. There’s a few regulars and a few people finding us for the first time every month.

We’ve been running a Capture-The-Flag event the past few months and will continue to run it again this month. This event is targeted at both beginners and experienced pentesters. If you’d like to play along, you’ll want to bring a system. More information can be found here: NetKotH

Our meetings are held on the Market level (lowest level) of the food court in Lenox Mall, near the outside doors. When you enter in the outside doors on Market Level, look for the table in the middle or close the glass with laptops and cables. There is parking very close to the food court, directly opposite the mall from Peachtree.

Lenox Square Mall
3393 Peachtree Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30326

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s extremely low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other 2600 folks:

Chat with us on IRC!

Atlanta Cybersecurity Engineers Discord Server Channel

GENERAL -> atl2600

Discord Invite Code:

Follow us on twitter!

DC404 Jan/Feb NetKotH CTF Scores

Wednesday, February 20th, 2019 by narknet
DC404 NetKotH Scores 2/16/2019
DC404 NetKotH2 Scores For Beginners 2/16/2019
DC404 NetKotH Scores 1/19/2019
DC404 NetKotH2 Scores For Beginners 1/19/2019

DC404 Meeting – Saturday February 16th

Tuesday, February 12th, 2019 by narknet

DC404 Meeting – Saturday February 16th

Saturday February 16th is your DC404 meeting at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm

We do not have a formal presentation lined up, so come prepared to share what you are working on. Your project doesn’t have to be complete and slides are not required (like show-n-tell).

We will have a projector if you need it.

We will be running two CTFs.

The regular NetKotH CTF, targeted at both beginners and experienced pentesters, and a second NetKotH CTF with special targets for people who are brand new to CTFs.

People will be available to answer questions and help you get started.

If you would like to play along, you should bring a laptop with your favorite tools installed or in a virtual machine (such as Kali Linux or ArchStrike).

More information about NetKotH can be found here:

How To Get Started Hacking

We will also be hosting a mini lock pick village.

Our meetings are at Manuel’s Tavern. Free parking is behind Manuel’s and on the South side across the alley.

We meet in the First Level Room:

From the front entrance on North Highland, immediately turn right, go past the bathrooms to the First Level room.

From the back parking lot entrance, go all the way to the front doors, turn left, go past the bathrooms to the First Level room.

Manuel’s Tavern
602 North Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30307

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Our Home page:

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other DC404 folks:

IRC Channel: #dc404

Web IRC:

Atlanta Cybersecurity Engineers Discord Server Channel

GENERAL -> dc404

Discord Invite Code:

Our calendar:

NetKotH CTF @ ATL2600 Meeting Friday February 1, 2019

Tuesday, January 29th, 2019 by narknet

Friday Friday November February 1, 2019 is your atl2600 meeting at the Lenox Mall Food Court at 7pm.

Named after the zine, 2600 meetings are a monthly gathering in a public location where we chat about recent events in security and privacy. Topics discussed vary wildly. There’s no cost, and no structure. There’s a few regulars and a few people finding us for the first time every month.

We’ve been running a Capture-The-Flag event the past few months and will continue to run it again this month. This event is targeted at both beginners and experienced pentesters. If you’d like to play along, you’ll want to bring a system. More information can be found here: NetKotH

Our meetings are held on the Market level (lowest level) of the food court in Lenox Mall, near the outside doors. When you enter in the outside doors on Market Level, look for the table in the middle or close the glass with laptops and cables. There is parking very close to the food court, directly opposite the mall from Peachtree.

Lenox Square Mall
3393 Peachtree Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30326

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s extremely low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other 2600 folks:

Chat with us on IRC!

Atlanta Cybersecurity Engineers Discord Server Channel

GENERAL -> atl2600

Discord Invite Code:

Follow us on twitter!

DC404 Meeting – Saturday January 19th

Wednesday, January 16th, 2019 by narknet

Saturday January 19th is your DC404 meeting at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm

Daniel Pagan will be presenting AES Burst:

AwkwardAI (a.k.a. Awkward Intelligence) will be presenting his electronic voting machine. DC404 members are invited to examine it. He will also be sharing his experience designing convention badges (like they have at DEF CON).

AwkwardAI is a gaming student at GSU focusing on Virtual and Augmented Reality. In his spare time he designs electronic badges and rebuilds/mods old computers and anything hardware related. Currently working on the independent TV3Y3 Badge and Augmented Reality game for Defcon 27.


Come prepared to share what you are working on. Your project doesn’t have to be complete and slides are not required (like show-n-tell).

We will have a projector if you need it.


We will be running two CTFs.

The regular NetKotH CTF, targeted at both beginners and experienced pentesters.

And xray and Al Snow will be introducing a second NetKotH CTF with special targets for people who are brand new to CTFs.

People will be available to answer questions and help you get started.

If you would like to play along, you should bring a laptop with your favorite tools installed or in a virtual machine (such as Kali Linux or ArchStrike).


More information about NetKotH can be found here:

How To Get Started Hacking


We will also be hosting a mini lock pick village.


Our meetings are at Manuel’s Tavern. Free parking is behind Manuel’s and on the South side across the alley.

We meet in the First Level Room:

From the front entrance on North Highland, immediately turn right, go past the bathrooms to the First Level room.

From the back parking lot entrance, go all the way to the front doors, turn left, go past the bathrooms to the First Level room.


Manuel’s Tavern
602 North Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30307

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Our Home page:

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other DC404 folks:

IRC Channel: #dc404

Web IRC:

Atlanta Cybersecurity Engineers Discord Server Channel

GENERAL -> dc404

Discord Invite Code:

Our calendar: