Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Ohai! Didn’t see you there!

Saturday, August 17th, 2013 by dr.kaos

Well, even after  moving the site from a static HTML site over to a WordPress blog, I’m still terrible about updating it. 😉

Anyway, today is Saturday August 17 2013, and not only is there a meeting today, but TODAY IS OUR 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! Holy shit.

I can barely believe it’s been 10 years since I started this little choo-choo, but here we are!

Anyway, while I’d planned to have a big shit-kicker of a party to celebrate this momentous occasion… I forgot to plan it, so instead we’re just going to do our typical annual post-DEFCON review / wrap-up.

Maybe we’ll party like maniacs next month? Who wants to help me plan it? 🙂

Anyway, just wanted to take a second not only to update the website, but also to tell each and every one of you — THANK YOU!

Every single one of you  inspires me, influences me, teaches me and motivates me to keep doing this, and I hope that I’ve been able to influence, inspire, mentor and/or teach some of you throughout this decade of dc404 as well. 

So, hope you’ll make it out today! And for those that have never been to a dc404 meeting, I hope you’ll make a point of stopping by sometime soon. I think you’ll find we have an incredible community of smart, talented, geeky, nerdy, beautiful people that would love to count you in our midst.

That is all. See you  at the meeting.

Sincerely, I remain,