Author Archive: narknet

NetKotH CTF @ ATL2600 Meeting Friday June 1, 2018

Tuesday, May 29th, 2018 by narknet

Friday Friday June 1, 2018 is your atl2600 meeting at the Lenox Mall Food Court at 7pm.

Named after the zine, 2600 meetings are a monthly gathering in a public location where we chat about recent events in security and privacy. Topics discussed vary wildly. There’s no cost, and no structure. There’s a few regulars and a few people finding us for the first time every month.

We’ve been running a Capture-The-Flag event the past few months and will continue to run it again this month (serious this time). This event is targeted at both beginners and experienced pentesters. If you’d like to play along, you might want to bring a system. More information can be found here: NetKotH

Our meetings are held on the Market level (lowest level) of the food court in Lenox Mall, near the outside doors. When you enter in the outside doors on Market Level, look for the table in the middle or close the glass with laptops and cables. There is parking very close to the food court, directly opposite the mall from Peachtree.

Lenox Square Mall
3393 Peachtree Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30326

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s extremely low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other 2600 folks:

Chat with us on IRC!

Follow us on twitter!

DC404 Meeting – Saturday May 19th

Thursday, May 17th, 2018 by narknet

Saturday May 19th is your DC404 meeting at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm

This month’s meeting will feature a Defcon CFP submission! And as a result, recording of any type, video, photo, audio is prohibited. We encourage our members to trial talks at our meetings. This is one of those times.

The talk title is Build your custom fuzzer to scale bug bounty hunting. Bug bounty programs have become increasingly popular over the years. Their popularity mostly due to public exposure and the large payout for security researchers. As these programs are part of a niche and competitive market, many security researchers continue their efforts to recognize and apply new and more efficient ways of staying competitive. In this presentation, I will demonstrate methods I used to more effectively fuzz applications for bug bounty programs – the same methods that allowed me to get 30 CVE’s in a year.

Our presenter, Kaveh, is employed in NCR Corporation as Principal Application Security Engineer and has provided many findings and assistance in the sector of IT-Security. His unique, self-written tools and knowledge of security audits and penetration testing has placed Kaveh in the Google Hall of Fame and acknowledgment by Microsoft, Adobe, Artweaver and Integraxor SCADA for his findings. Kaveh hopes to give back to the IT-Security community by showcasing the tools he designed and he got 30 critical/high CVE’s in a year.


We will be running the NetKotH CTF for this meeting. This event is targeted at both beginners and experienced pentesters. If you’d like to play along, you might want to bring a system. More information can be found here:

Bring a laptop and your favorite tools (like Kali Linux or ArchStrike)


We will also be hosting a mini lock pick village.


Our meetings are at Manuel’s Tavern. Free parking is behind Manuel’s and on the South side across the alley.

We meet in the First Level Room:

From the front entrance on North Highland, immediately turn right, go past the bathrooms to the First Level room.

From the back parking lot entrance, go all the way to the front doors, turn left, go past the bathrooms to the First Level room.


Manuel’s Tavern
602 North Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30307

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Our Home page:

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other DC404 folks:

IRC Channel: #dc404

Web IRC:

Our calendar:

DC404 Meeting – Saturday January 20th

Wednesday, January 17th, 2018 by narknet

Saturday January 20th is your DC404 meeting at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm

This month’s meeting will feature an Open-source intelligence (OSINT) CTF run by Chris Silvers, winner of a DEF CON Black Badge in social engineering.

Bring your favorite OSINT tools and join in the fun.


We will NOT be running the NetKotH CTF for this meeting.


Did you get anything fun for Christmas? Bring it to the meeting and show it to us.

This is more like “show and tell” so a formal presentation is not required but we will have a projector if you need it.


We will also be hosting a mini lock pick village.


Our meetings are at Manuel’s Tavern. Free parking is behind Manuel’s and on the South side across the alley.

We meet the First Level Room:

From the front entrance on North Highland, immediately turn right, go past the bathrooms to the First Level room.

From the back parking lot entrance, go all the way to the front doors, turn left, go past the bathrooms to the First Level room.


Manuel’s Tavern
602 North Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30307

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Our Home page:

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other DC404 folks:

IRC Channel: #dc404

Web IRC:

Our calendar:

NetKotH CTF @ ATL2600 Meeting Friday January 5, 2018

Friday, January 5th, 2018 by narknet

Friday Friday January 5, 2018 is your atl2600 meeting at the Lenox Mall Food Court at 7pm.

Named after the zine, 2600 meetings are a monthly gathering in a public location where we chat about recent events in security and privacy. Topics discussed vary wildly. There’s no cost, and no structure. There’s a few regulars and a few people finding us for the first time every month.

We’ve been running a Capture-The-Flag event the past few months and will continue to run it again this month (serious this time). This event is targeted at both beginners and experienced pentesters. If you’d like to play along, you might want to bring a system (no lab machines this month). More information can be found here: NetKotH

Our meetings are held on the Market level (lowest level) of the food court in Lenox Mall, near the outside doors. When you enter in the outside doors on Market Level, look for the table in the middle or close to the glass with of laptops and cables. There is parking very close to the food court, directly opposite the mall from Peachtree.

Lenox Square Mall
3393 Peachtree Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30326

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s extremely low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other 2600 folks:

Chat with us on IRC!

Follow us on twitter!

DC404 Meeting – Saturday December 16th

Tuesday, December 12th, 2017 by narknet

Saturday December 16th is your DC404 meeting at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm

Chris Silvers (winner of a DEF CON Black Badge in social engineering) will be presenting his new OSINT CTF.

You do not want to miss this presentation, as it will give you a leg up for the OSINT CTF Chris will be running at our January 2018 meeting.


We will also be having a followup to our DC404 2017 Geek Gift Guide from the November meeting.

Did you find something at the last minute you know we all would want to have?

Bring your list of items. If you already have the item(s) bring them so we can ooh and aw.

This is more like “show and tell” so a formal presentation is not required but if you bring slides we have a projector.

dcØde (one of our members) put up a spreadsheet to reduce duplication and so we have time to buy items for Christmas.


We will also be hosting a mini lock pick village and NetKotH (Network King of the Hill).

If CTFs are new to you check out How To Get Started Hacking.

Bring a laptop and your favorite tools (like Kali Linux or ArchStrike)


Our meetings are at Manuel’s Tavern. Free parking is behind Manuel’s and on the South side across the alley.

We meet the First Level Room:

From the front entrance on North Highland, immediately turn right, go past the bathrooms to the First Level room.

From the back parking lot entrance, go all the way to the front doors, turn left, go past the bathrooms to the First Level room.


Manuel’s Tavern
602 North Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30307

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Our Home page:

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other DC404 folks:

IRC Channel: #dc404

Web IRC:

Our calendar:

NetKotH CTF @ ATL2600 Meeting Friday December 1, 2017

Tuesday, November 28th, 2017 by narknet

Friday Friday December 1, 2017 is your atl2600 meeting at the Lenox Mall Food Court at 7pm.

Named after the zine, 2600 meetings are a monthly gathering in a public location where we chat about recent events in security and privacy. Topics discussed vary wildly. There’s no cost, and no structure. There’s a few regulars and a few people finding us for the first time every month.

We’ve been running a Capture-The-Flag event the past few months and will continue to run it again this month (serious this time). This event is targeted at both beginners and experienced pentesters. If you’d like to play along, you might want to bring a system (no lab machines this month). More information can be found here: NetKotH

Our meetings are held on the Market level (lowest level) of the food court in Lenox Mall, near the outside doors. When you enter in the outside doors on Market Level, look for the table in the middle or close to the glass with of laptops and cables. There is parking very close to the food court, directly opposite the mall from Peachtree.

Lenox Square Mall
3393 Peachtree Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30326

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s extremely low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other 2600 folks:

Chat with us on IRC!

Follow us on twitter!

DC404 Meeting – Saturday November 18th

Tuesday, November 14th, 2017 by narknet

Saturday November 18th is your DC404 meeting at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm

We have moved the DC404 2017 Geek Gift Guide to November.

We will have a followup at the December meeting.

Bring your list of must have items. If you already have the item(s) bring them so we can ooh and aw.

This is more like “show and tell” so a formal presentation is not required but if you bring slides we have a projector.

dcØde (one of our members) put up a spreadsheet to reduce duplication and so we have time to buy items for Christmas.


We will also be hosting a mini lock pick village and NetKotH (Network King of the Hill).

Bring a laptop and your favorite tools (like Kali Linux or ArchStrike)


Our meetings are at Manuel’s Tavern. Free parking is behind Manuel’s and on the South side across the alley.

ROOM Change:

We will be meeting in the Eagel’s Nest:

From the front entrance on North Highland immediately turn left, go through the dinning room to the Eagle’s Nest in the back.

From the back parking lot entrance make the first right and the Eagle’s Nest will be on your right.


Manuel’s Tavern
602 North Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30307

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Our Home page:

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other DC404 folks:

IRC Channel: #dc404

Web IRC:

Our calendar:

NetKotH CTF @ ATL2600 Meeting Friday November 3, 2017

Thursday, November 2nd, 2017 by narknet

Friday November 3, 2017 is your atl2600 meeting at the Lenox Mall Food Court at 7pm.

The last year or two, we haven’t had a meeting in November, since it coincides with Phreaknic, the annual convention put on by the Nashville 2600 group. This year however, our meetings seem to be large enough that there will be a sizable crowd at Lenox and not going to Phreaknic. If you see me at Phreaknic say hi, and if you go to Lenox, say hi to a new friend. 🙂

Named after the zine, 2600 meetings are a monthly gathering in a public location where we chat about recent events in security and privacy. Topics discussed vary wildly. There’s no cost, and no structure. There’s a few regulars and a few people finding us for the first time every month.

We’ve been running a Capture-The-Flag event the past few months and will continue to run it again this month (serious this time). This event is targeted at both beginners and experienced pentesters. If you’d like to play along, you might want to bring a system (no lab machines this month). More information can be found here: NetKotH

Our meetings are held on the Market level (lowest level) of the food court in Lenox Mall, near the outside doors. When you enter in the outside doors on Market Level, look for the table in the middle or close to the glass with of laptops and cables. There is parking very close to the food court, directly opposite the mall from Peachtree.

Lenox Square Mall
3393 Peachtree Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30326

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s extremely low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other 2600 folks:

Chat with us on IRC!

Follow us on twitter!

Room Change – DC404 Saturday October 21st at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm

Tuesday, October 17th, 2017 by narknet

Sorry for the room flip/flop. Manuel’s Tavern is trying to accommodate as many meetings as possible so they moved us back to the First Level Room (where we usually meet).

Manuel’s does not charge us for meeting space and they are very accommodating so I go out my way to be flexible.

There will be another group meeting in the First Level Room next to the windows. They have been notified that we run an open meeting and presentation.

Saturday October 21st is your DC404 meeting at Manuel’s Tavern at 2pm

Alex Kot will be presenting “Build your own free Network Security Monitor (NSM)”.



Network Security Monitoring (NSM) is becoming a must have. Both regulatory and security needs are making this become a standard in every environment. I want to go over the pieces of technology that you will find in NSMs and why some are better than others. I will explain some of the hurdles you will come across when implementing them. I will provide an NSM you can connect to. The main benefit of doing it the way I present is that you will learn how to use the tools, keep your NSM lean, and have a platform that is agnostic to Distros and SIEM.



Alex Kot is a security engineer at a payments processing company. He is also a hobbyist of SOHO router firmware and Mesh technology. When I am not messing with security or wireless I am usually playing FPS on Xbox Live.


Come prepared to share what you are working on. Your project doesn’t have to be complete and slides are not required (like show-n-tell).

We will have a projector if you need it.


We will also be hosting NetKotH (Network King of the Hill).

Bring a laptop and your favorite tools (like Kali Linux or ArchStrike)


Our meetings are at Manuel’s Tavern. Free parking is behind Manuel’s and on the South side across the alley.

ROOM Change:

We will be meeting in the First Level Room:

We meet the First Level Room:

From the front entrance on North Highland, immediately turn right, go past the bathrooms to the First Level room.

From the back parking lot entrance, go all the way to the front doors, turn left, go past the bathrooms to the First Level room.


Manuel’s Tavern
602 North Highland Ave NE
Atlanta, GA 30307

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Our Home page:

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other DC404 folks:

IRC Channel: #dc404

Web IRC:

Our calendar:

NetKotH CTF @ ATL2600 Meeting Friday October 6, 2017

Wednesday, October 4th, 2017 by narknet

Friday October 6, 2017 is your atl2600 meeting at the Lenox Mall Food Court at 7pm.

Named after the zine, 2600 meetings are a monthly gathering in a public location where we chat about recent events in security and privacy. Topics discussed vary wildly. There’s no cost, and no structure. There’s a few regulars and a few people finding us for the first time every month.

We’ve been running a Capture-The-Flag event the past few months and will continue to run it again this month (serious this time). This event is targeted at both beginners and experienced pentesters. If you’d like to play along, you might want to bring a system (no lab machines this month). More information can be found here: NetKotH

Our meetings are held on the Market level (lowest level) of the food court in Lenox Mall, near the outside doors. When you enter in the outside doors on Market Level, look for the table in the middle or close to the glass with of laptops and cables. There is parking very close to the food court, directly opposite the mall from Peachtree.

Lenox Square Mall
3393 Peachtree Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30326

All ages/skill levels welcome. No dues, feel free to bring new friends.

Sign up for the chat/discussion list – it’s extremely low traffic, keeps you in the loop, and enables you to communicate with the other 2600 folks:

Chat with us on IRC!

Follow us on twitter!